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Lorenzo Harrison Enterprise Booking

Grace and peace be unto you. We appreciate your interest in hosting Lorenzo Harrison Enterprise. Kindly provide the following information to facilitate the arrangements for the event. Pending approval by his spiritual covering and calendar availability, he would be delighted to come and be with you. Please read the documentation carefully as it details requirements and needs your immediate signature. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Ashley Edwards, Administrative Assistant, at

Event Details

Service Time(s):


Lorenzo Harrison is honored to receive this invitation and considers it a privilege to come to your event. While monetary gain is not the primary goal of Lorenzo Harrison Enterprise, we must include monetary logistics to ensure that administrative and financial matters are properly handled.


Lorenzo Harrison's honorarium typically ranges between $400-$600 per event. We trust the integrity of your ministry and pray that a ministry of your caliber will be gracious and fair to him for this time of ministry with you. If the listed honorarium is not feasible for your organization,

we are willing to work with you.

Flight Details: Please assume the cost of 1 airline ticket.

Provide intended flight itinerary prior to purchase.

Hotel Accommodations: Assume the cost of 1 non-smoking hotel room. Preferably (1) King Size Room at Marriott or Hilton chain.

The hosting church/organization should make and pay for hotel accommodations. A credit card should be on file for incidentals.

Booking directly with the hotel is preferred and not third-party websites.

Additional Information:

  • Event Flyer: Please provide a copy of the event flyer for our website and media outlets. Attached is an approved photo for use.

  • Snacks: Preferred snacks - Fresh Fruit (Fuji Apples, Fresh Pineapple, Strawberries), Wiley Wallaby, Skittles.

  • Drinks: Preferred drinks - Fruit Punch or Strawberry Lemonade Gatorade; Essentia or Smart Water, Coke.

  • Note: Lorenzo Harrison is highly allergic to chocolate.

Contact for Questions/Concerns:

Ashley Edwards, Administrative Assistant Email:

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